Night life in Vienna


Enjoy your classic evening in Vienna

Experience. Enjoy. Be amazed and af course you`re allowed to smile :)

Mozart & Strauss Concert at Vienna Kursalon


Kategorie A  € 62,–

Kategorie B  € 54,–

Kategorie C  € 40,–

W. A. Mozart concert in period costumes


Superior       € 95–

Kategorie A  € 75,–

Kategorie B  € 65,–

Kategorie C  € 49,–

Strauss & Mozart concert at the Hofburg palace


Kategorie A  € 55,–

Kategorie B  € 42,–

Vienna choir boys at the MUTH


Kategorie A  € 89,– (VIP)

Kategorie B  € 66,–

Kategorie C  € 54,–

Kategorie C  € 39,–

Book your concert tickets from your tour guide!

Enjoy the mos famous classical nightlife in Vienna!! 

Do you also need suggestions to pamper your group in the evenings?

You’ve come to the right person.

Let me prepare an all-inclusive proposal. I can arrange a complete offer for you and for your group. 

Dine with your group in good local places or elegant restaurants at reasonable prices.

For evening programmes such as concerts or other events, I can arrange admission at the best rates. Best seating is guaranteed and further more there will be no additional fees on your bookings. For some events I can  offer you even better prices!

Check it out!




Concert inquiry:

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

For all other events you will get your tickets here:

wonderful night life in Vienna
wonderful night life in Vienna